VIA Disc

VIA Disc Treatment involves injecting medical-grade cement into the vertebral disc to stabilize it and relieve the pain.

The term Vertebral Intraosseous Autologous Disc (VIA Disc) Treatment refers to a minimally invasive procedure used for the treatment of chronic low back pain. The procedure involves the injection of a patient’s own bone marrow aspirate concentrate into the affected disc(s) with the aid of fluoroscopic guidance. According to a study by Than et al. (2014), the purpose of VIA Disc Treatment is to stimulate the regeneration of damaged or degenerated disc tissue through the injection of mesenchymal bone marrow concentrate injections found in the bone marrow aspirate. The mesenchymal bone marrow concentrate injections have the ability to differentiate into various cell types, including disc cells, and can also secrete growth factors that promote tissue repair and regeneration. The goal of this procedure is to provide patients with a long-term, non-surgical solution for the treatment of chronic low back pain. The procedure has shown promising results in clinical trials, with patients experiencing a significant reduction in pain levels and an improvement in overall function. In conclusion, VIA Disc Treatment has emerged as an innovative and effective treatment option for individuals suffering from chronic low back pain, offering a minimally invasive alternative to traditional surgical interventions.

The selection of appropriate patients and procedure details are crucial factors in the success of any clinical trial. It is essential to identify patients who meet the eligibility criteria and have the desired characteristics to ensure accurate results. According to Wild et al. (2005), “patient recruitment is a critical factor in the successful conduct of clinical trials,” emphasizing the importance of selecting the right patients. Additionally, the authors suggest that “careful attention to the details of the procedure is critical to ensure that the data collected are of the highest quality possible.” This includes selecting the appropriate endpoints, outcome measures, and data collection methods. Failure to consider these factors can result in flawed data and unreliable results. Therefore, it is essential to have a well-defined protocol that outlines the patient selection criteria and procedure details to ensure that the study’s objectives are met. In conclusion, appropriate patient selection and procedure details are crucial in ensuring the success of clinical trials and obtaining accurate results.

Complications and recovery time are significant considerations for patients undergoing hemodialysis. A study conducted by JA Morfin et al. (2016) found that complications such as infections, thrombosis, and cardiovascular events were common among hemodialysis patients. Infection was the most frequent complication, with a prevalence of 17.3% among patients. Other complications such as thrombosis and cardiovascular events had a prevalence of 1.8% and 1.7%, respectively. These complications can significantly impact the recovery time of patients, as they may require hospitalization and prolonged treatment. In addition to complications, recovery time can also be affected by the frequency and duration of hemodialysis sessions. The study found that patients who underwent longer and more frequent hemodialysis had a shorter recovery time. Patients who underwent hemodialysis for less than four hours per session had a longer recovery time than those who underwent hemodialysis for more than four hours per session. Similarly, patients who underwent hemodialysis three times per week had a longer recovery time than those who underwent hemodialysis five times per week. Therefore, it is essential for healthcare providers to monitor and manage complications and tailor hemodialysis treatment plans to optimize recovery time for patients.

In conclusion, the VIA Disc Treatment is a minimally-invasive procedure that is used to alleviate pain and discomfort caused by herniated discs. This procedure involves inserting a small needle into the affected disc and injecting a special solution that is designed to dissolve the damaged tissue. The treatment is typically reserved for patients who have not responded to other forms of non-invasive treatments. While complications such as bleeding and infection may arise, they are rare. Recovery time for the VIA Disc Treatment is generally quick, with most patients returning to their normal activities within a few days. Overall, this procedure provides a promising solution for individuals suffering from herniated discs, offering a safe and effective alternative to traditional surgical options.


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