
Safe, effective treatments for a variety of medical conditions

In minimally invasive surgery, injections are used to deliver medications or solutions directly to the surgical site through a small incision or puncture. These injections may be used to provide anesthesia, control bleeding, or enhance visualization of the surgical field.

Injection therapy directly targets the damaged tissue

Injections play an important role in minimizing the invasiveness of surgical procedures and reducing the patient’s recovery time.

Joint Injections With Steroids or Hyaluronans
Steroid injections work by suppressing the immune system and reducing the production of inflammatory substances. Hyaluronan injections involve injecting a gel-like substance made from hyaluronic acid to cushion the joint, reducing friction and pain.
Epidural Spinal Injections
Epidural spinal injections are a type of injection that delivers medication directly into the space surrounding the spinal cord in the lower back. The injection can help to reduce inflammation and provide pain relief.
Facet Injections
Facet joint injections are commonly used to treat conditions such as spinal arthritis, degenerative disc disease, and spinal stenosis. The injections can provide temporary pain relief and help patients to participate in physical therapy and other activities that can improve their overall condition.
Therapeutic Nerve Blocks
Therapeutic nerve blocks are commonly used to treat conditions such as chronic headaches, neck pain, back pain, and joint pain. The injections can provide temporary pain relief and help patients to participate in physical therapy and other activities that can improve their overall condition.
Trigger Point Injections
Trigger points are areas of tight muscle fibers that can cause pain and discomfort. The injection involves injecting a local anesthetic and/or a corticosteroid medication directly into the trigger point. This medication can help to reduce inflammation and relieve pain.
MR/CT Arthrogram Injections
MR/CT arthrogram injections are a type of injection used to diagnose and treat joint pain and other joint-related issues. The injection involves injecting a contrast agent, which contains a dye that can be seen on medical imaging tests, directly into the joint. This contrast agent helps to provide clear images of the joint and its surrounding structures during a magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) or computed tomography (CT) scan.

Get Your Quality of Life Back

OMNI Pain and Precision Medicine is committed to advanced minimally invasive surgical techniques and regenerative medicine for healing by offering non-surgical alternatives. To learn more about our offerings and whether you are a candidate for our services, schedule a consultation today.

Foremost Expert

Extensive Experience

Minimally Invasive

Pain Free Treatment